How to Complain Effectively
Home Page

Why I am Doing This

Tips for Complaining

Links to Favourite Letters

Guest Book Page

(And Have Fun While You Do It!)

Thank you for visiting!

Do you agree with me that standards of service are slipping badly? Are you fed up with poorly-paid and poorly-trained "assistants" who can't even understand why you're not happy with the product you bought or the service you paid for? Do you think that retailers and utilities take their customers for granted and need a good shaking?

This is the site that hopes to help you do something about it!

Latest Site Developments
I have only just begun to set up this site, so please bear with me as it evolves. This section will tell you about the latest updates and additions to the site, and where you might find useful links to other sites that might be able to help you (obviously, not as well as I will, eventually!!)

I have been working on adding images to brighten up the text a bit, and have added a few more letters.

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately!) I have already been asked to write to help a couple of people out, and we are waiting to see how that goes. I hope to be able to report very soon!

Feedback is Important!!
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